研究興趣 |
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壓力對於神經突觸可塑性(synpatic plasticity)及神經元新生作用調控之研究 |
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重鬱症發生之病理機制探討 |
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神經滋養因子對於神經塑性及神經突觸發育之影響 |
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學習及記憶表現之分子機制探討 |
目前之研究計畫 |
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Role of SEC14 and spectrin domains 1 (SESTD1) in synaptic and structural plasticity |
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Exploring the neural bases of infantile amnesia |
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Role of CC2D1A in synaptic plasticity and cognitive function |
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Functional assessment of transcranial direct current stimulation: physiological basis and practical applications on mild cognitive impairment |
研究方法 |
神經電氣生理學、光遺傳學、神經化學、分子生物學、行為神經科學 |
實驗室人員 |
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博士後研究員:楊正毅 |
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博士班學生:蔡宗志、余亭萱、洪毓傑、陳晉豪、程冠翔、馮樂瑩 |
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碩士班學生:王俞喬、施欣伶、黃楷馨 |
代表著作 |
Research NCKU ! (另開視窗) |